It'z News to Me

The news of the day...and my own peculiar take on it...

Sunday, October 03, 2004

"A President for the 21st Century"

I was thinking today about a campaign ad that the Bush/Cheney campaign could run that would absolutely destroy Kerry/Edwards and here's the script I came up with:

John Kerry is living in the past...

He confuses Iraq as a "mistake" and a "quagmire" with his 1960's thinking about Vietnam...

His call for raising taxes and more regulation is pure 1970's stagflation economics...

His call for unilaterally ceasing research into nuclear "bunker busters" is straight out of his nuclear freeze playbook from the 1980's...

His healthcare plan is warmed-over Hillarycare from the 1990's...

His obsession with Enron and awarding of the Halliburton contract under the Clinton administration from the 1990s is more of the same...

In a time of war, is bringing back the failed liberal policies of the past 40 years what the country needs to move ahead?

Our administration has focused on cleaning up the messes left for us from the past and addressing the problems of today with solutions to move the country into the future...

We cut taxes 4 times, freed 50 million people from totalitarianism, prosecuted boardroom misconduct, added a prescription drug benefit to Medicare, and we have a plan to continue the progress for the next four years...

Reject the "Back to the Future" thinking of Kerry/Edwards and vote Bush/Cheney on November 2nd...

Tell me what you think...