It'z News to Me

The news of the day...and my own peculiar take on it...

Monday, June 28, 2004

Note Passing...

Here's the note that was passed to the president to let him know that Iraqis were now in control of their country...

I reeeaaallllyyy like the President's response...

Was It Worth It?

Here's your answer....

Didn't Bush Squander All the Good Will?

...Evidently not with the Irish.....

What's Good for the Goose... good for presidential candidates too...

Methinks those in the media who are so set on getting Bush out of office are going to end up severely regretting opening this can of worms...

A Whole Day's Worth of Good News

...and it's only early morning (at least for me)...I'll let Ace/Smitty tell you all about it...

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Just Keeps Going...Going...Gone?

Does this mean the Energizer Bunny should start looking for another job?

Monday, June 21, 2004

Terrible News

...for Kerry and his campaign...

Soviet Syphilis

Could this really be the cause of Lenin's death?

I had no idea...

Democracy for Me...

...but not for thee...

Legacy...of Bush

Just two weeks ago, we lost a great president with the passing of Ronald Reagan. His vision for winning the Cold War left him with the admiration of people around the globe. The Berlin Wall did not fall on his watch, but there is no doubt in any reasonable person's mind that he set the wheels in motion to make its fall inevitable.

I'm going to go on the record today and say that if Bush has the opportunity to serve a full two terms in office, then history will say much the same about him and the Middle East.

He has a vision for transforming the cesspool that is the Middle East today. And it is already bearing fruit. Given another four years to completely implement this vision and bring pressure to bear on other autocratic regimes in the region, it will bring an everlasting change to an area of the world that has been in turmoil for a long, long time.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Shades of Clinton


Maybe these are some of those mysterious "foreign officials" Kerry was talking about...

Clinton's Legacy

When history finally takes its measure of the presidency of Bill Clinton it will remember that he was fortunate enough to inherit an economy that had already begun its recovery months before he took office, attempted to foist socialized medicine on the country and failed, signed onto welfare reform only after a Republican Congress forced it down his throat, presided over the decline of the Democratic Party, and fiddled while tyrants and terrorists tried to burn down Western civilization...

It will record that he had a vast intellect and a talent for connecting with the public, but he squandered both of them.

But, hey, at least he did something with his time in office....

The Real Thing

Forget President Bush, this is the real threat that fundamentalists and leftists around the world fear: American culture and American capitalism...

For all you fundamentalists and leftists out there, have a Coke and a Smile....coming soon to a neighborhood near you

Who Knew?

Supply-side economics and the virtue of tax cuts...Reagan introduced the majority of Americans to the idea, but it dates back to a Muslim from the 14th century...

They Just Don't Get It

All I have to say to this is....


Having Your Cake

Democrats just can't seem get out of their own way...

They whimper that the economic woes in their respective states are Bush's fault, and then turn around and claim the improving economy in New Mexico is solely due to the governor's policy. So which is it: are they going to have the cake or eat it?

(Here's a hint: unlike the rest of the whiners, the governor of New Mexico cut taxes in his state too...) does that cake taste now?

Never Forget

This is why we fight...Look at all the photos...ALL of them...

...and the hostages in Iran, the Marines in Beirut, the WTC in 1993, the Khobar Towers, the USS Cole, and Daniel Pearl, and Nicholas Berg...and now for Paul Johnson...and for our present...and for our future...and for the future of everyone who refuses to be subjugated...

What Lies Ahead

This is an old post (September 2002), but it is the very best explanation I have ever read about the enemy we are facing. It is an essential read for absolutely anyone who truly wants to understand...

I mean it...Go ahead and read it...I'll wait...

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Dumbing Down Teachers

Of course the reason they're eliminating standards has nothing to do with the fact that most of the teachers couldn't pass it, does it?

And, of course, no one should be at all concerned that these teachers can't even pass the most basic high school level tests in their chosen subject areas...Not one bit...Nothing to see here...Move along...

What Kerry Really Thinks

...of democracy...

And he wants us to trust him to lead OUR democracy?

Not for the Faint of Heart

WARNING: Skip this post if you are in the least bit squeamish!

Via Drudge, pictures of Paul Johnson, killed for the criminal act of being an American...

He is an American martyr in the truest sense...He didn't seek to start a fight; he didn't do a damned thing to these animals, and he wasn't part of any military action...His family surely didn't deserve to have this horror visited upon them. There is no justification for this barbarism...None...

I post this because people need to remember who the enemy is...They will not stop, they will not negotiate with us...They are butchers whose claim to even being human is debatable...

They must be killed before they kill us...

And IS that simple...If you don't think so, go look at those pictures again and ask yourself if YOU think these are reasonable "people."

9/11 Perversion

I second Jeff Jarvis on his sentiments about the 9/11 Commission...

Save Your Money

Everything you needed to know about Bill Clinton's new book...

The Evel Kneivel of....


Let's just hope this doesn't catch on with the Monster Truck crowd...

Get Your Head Out of...

...never mind...This speaks for itself...

Spiraling Healthcare Costs

Could this be why the cost of medical treatment continues rise so many times faster than the rate of inflation?

How Do You Say 'Shogun' in German?

According to the conventional wisdom in our media and on the left, doesn't the inability of German authorities to find this guy - a homemade menace on their own soil - mean that he doesn't exist and that German authorities are obviously lying about his existence?

Putin Lied!

It's generally accepted on the left that there was no threat from Saddam...This must come as quite a nasty shock.

HELP WANTED: New Location Scout

I don't know who's in charge of scouting locations for Kerry's pep rallies, but someone should have told them that across the street from Republicans who live there wasn't exactly the smartest choice.

Master Plan

I'm with Kerry is Unelectable on this one - maybe because it's something I've thought for a while myself and because it's actually working...Never misunderestimate...

If a Poll Falls in the Forest

...and it has incredibly good news for President Bush and Republicans in general, will any networks or major newspapers report it?

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Greatest American Hero?

John Kerry, decorated veteran, hero of the North Vietnamese....

Keeping the Faith

So let me get this straight...Even the people on the payroll of the U.N. believe it is corrupt, but we need their approval before we act?

Monday, June 14, 2004

Curse the Unilateralist!

Want to know what happens when a country actually acts unilaterally? Check this out.

Shouldn't someone be asking why Chirac sent troops to a sovereign nation without even so much as consulting the UN, without even a single other country at its side, and with absolutely zero potential threat against France? Or does multilateralism only matter when others want an excuse to hamstring the U.S.?

I forgot...we already know the answer to that...don't we?

Laundromats...Time to Sell?

Just in case you were thinking about it, now is probably not the time to start investing in laundromats...

The Mouse That Roared

...Or At Least Would Have If It Had Ever Existed...

Just remember this the next time you hear about some supposedly endangered species that only exists in the wild in one specific area, thereby making the area automatically off-limits to development...

You don't think that environmental activists would actually twist science and just flat out lie to further their political agenda do you? Nawww.....

Dubya vs. Reagan

Pop quiz. See if you can figure out if the media is talking about Reagan or Bush.

The answers.

Given what we now know about how Reagan's foreign policy worked out for the world's benefit, draw your own conclusions...

Let's Negotiate

A common theme amongst the anti-war crowd is that all war is evil. Differences should be worked out by dialogue - not armed conflict.

These folks seem so very reasonable. I believe they'd listen, don't you?

I Thought They Didn't Like Us

That's what the media keeps telling us...The Iraqis don't want us there, we're occupiers - not liberators.

Here's at least one fellow who thinks differently.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Who's the Cowboy Now?

European governments have spent so much time and energy criticizing our president and sticking their noses where it doesn't belong that they neglected to handle their own business...As a reminder to those governments: clean up your own houses before you come to criticize ours...

Oh...*Those* WMDs...


More proof

Even more proof

Oh yeah...THOSE WMDs...

So Much for Unilateralism...

Just a reminder that Americans aren't the only ones in Iraq...or the only ones capable of extraordinary heroism...One of our true friends in the world, the Brits...

Sleeping together

Yet another reminder of the complete lack of class of the former inhabitants of the White House....The Clintons during the service for Reagan at the National Cathedral

'Tear Down This Wall'

I remember Berlin. Not the Berlin of today, but a divided Berlin. I remember because I was born in Templehof Army Hospital in West Berlin while my father did his part to keep the rest of Europe from suffering the same fate as East Berlin. For this reason and many others, I will never forget Reagan's speech that eventually brought down that hateful wall...

Neither should you...

They Think We Forget...

The news over the last week about former President Reagan made it seem as if he was universally beloved during his presidency. Why? Because: 1) his vision of ending the Cold War was proved correct when the Berlin Wall came down, 2) his economic policies started an economic expansion in the 1980's which has only paused briefly twice since, and 3) Americans - by a large majority - know this and love him for it.

So, in order to seem like they knew it all along, many of his critics and liberal pundits now want us to believe that they were with him all along...Here are just a small smattering of quotes which proves otherwise.

They were wrong then, and they want us to forget so we'll believe them now when they level the same criticisms at the current president who so obviously is Reagan's political heir...

Cleaning Up Another European Mess

The U.S. has been busy cleaning up messes created by European powers for a long time now. WWI, WWII and even Vietnam (formerly known as French Indochina) - were the results of Europeans getting themselves into messes and not knowing how to clean up after themselves.

The mess that is the Middle East is yet another example. As a reminder to those who have forgotten, Israel was created because the Europeans (not just Germans) have an anti-Semitic streak a mile long and it was felt that the Jews (and everyone else) would be better off if they left Europe. Here's a little more history, not just on Iraq but on how European colonial ambitions and their aftermath have led us to where we find ourselves today.

Deserving of Sympathy?

Amongst the elites and intellectuals, a favorite sport is trying to draw some sort of moral equivalence between Israelis and the Palestinians. I can see now why I should feel so much sympathy for the Palestinians...After all, if someone builds a free house for you that's too small - then shooting them is obviously your only alternative..