It'z News to Me

The news of the day...and my own peculiar take on it...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Bush Twins...

...get it right...

There's a lot of criticism about the Bush twins' performance last night going around the blogosphere, but I think it's unfair. Most folks reading (and writing) blogs are "serious" folks - I might even venture to say a bit jaded. The day-in, day-out grind of wading neck-deep into politics has a tendency to make you that way. So I think the politically discordant note that the twins struck last note is rubbing them raw.

But here's where I think they get it wrong: the Bush twins aren't politicians, they're daughters and they're 22-year olds. Try to put aside your cynicism and look at it from the perspective of a parent or a fellow 22-year old. As a parent you understand that 22-year olds are rarely "ready for prime time" players and you probably appreciate that these girls did this because they love and support their dad - not because they have political ambitions of their own to serve. As a 22-year old, you envy their shot to take a few pokes at the folks and grandparents on national TV. These were the target audiences...not the "serious political" types that typically inhabit the blogosphere.

I think overall they played well...This poll seems to bear that out...

UPDATE: As does this report...