Max Cleland Implicates Himself...
...after being confronted with evidence...
Back to Ace again, who has been all over this story like white on rice...
From Ace's post, we find out that Cleland was Burkett's contact. Cleland claims that he simply told Burkett to contact the Kerry campaign, HOWEVER, go to the comments on Ace's site for this posting.
Check out cedarford's comments where he lays out the multiple contacts between Burkett and Cleland dating back to 2000. Both of them have been flogging this "Bush was AWOL" since that time, and it looks like they viewed this as their opportunity to do something about it.
Given the integral role that Cleland has played in the Kerry campaign - from introducing him at the DNC convention to making a fool out of himself by delivering a letter to Bush's Crawford ranch, Kerry can't distance himself from Cleland's involvement.
The next link in the chain is finding out who from the Kerry campaign made the call to CBS...
Back to Ace again, who has been all over this story like white on rice...
From Ace's post, we find out that Cleland was Burkett's contact. Cleland claims that he simply told Burkett to contact the Kerry campaign, HOWEVER, go to the comments on Ace's site for this posting.
Check out cedarford's comments where he lays out the multiple contacts between Burkett and Cleland dating back to 2000. Both of them have been flogging this "Bush was AWOL" since that time, and it looks like they viewed this as their opportunity to do something about it.
Given the integral role that Cleland has played in the Kerry campaign - from introducing him at the DNC convention to making a fool out of himself by delivering a letter to Bush's Crawford ranch, Kerry can't distance himself from Cleland's involvement.
The next link in the chain is finding out who from the Kerry campaign made the call to CBS...
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