It'z News to Me

The news of the day...and my own peculiar take on it...

Monday, September 13, 2004

Allah Finds Zell... Zell rebuts the critics...

The shameful (or at least it would be if they had any sense of shame remaining) part of the attacks were indeed calling Zell a racist. It was more race-baiting from the Democrats. Here's the money graf:

But for David Gergen and this newspaper's Al Hunt, among others, to call me a racist was especially hurtful. For they know better. They know I worked for three governors in a row, not just one: Carl Sanders, Lester Maddox and Jimmy Carter. They knew I was the first governor to try to remove the Confederate emblem from the Georgia flag. And by the way, when I called each of Georgia's former governors to tell them what I was about to attempt, Jimmy Carter's first question to me was, "What are you doing that for?" Mr. Gergen and Mr. Hunt also know I appointed the only African-American attorney general in the country in the 1990s and more African Americans to the state judiciary than all the other governors of Georgia combined, including that one from Plains.

Allah further updates with a link to the Corner's bulleted coverage of Kerry's race-baiting at the National Baptist Convention...

So tell me again which party is trying to divide this country along racial lines?