It'z News to Me

The news of the day...and my own peculiar take on it...

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Ace Names Names...

...and perhaps gets to "the source" of the problem...

The story is moving forward. We've moved beyond the minutiae of proving why the documents are forgeries and into the real story: where did they come from?

I've said before, and I will say again: Bush's National Guard service is irrelevant to this election - he has never run on his Guard service. If he had - as John Kerry has with his service in Vietnam - it would be an issue. He hasn't, so it's not.

That being said: the story here is the blatant attempt by CBS and Dan Rather specifically to swing an election based on forgeries. If they relied on a guy with "a history of nervous breakdowns," that's relevant...If they relied on a guy who has written two anti-Bush books, that's relevant...If they relied on one of Kerry's biggest fund-raisers, that's relevant...

Dan Rather tried to change the focus to the storyline he was trying to push, but the second he tried to use dummied-up documents in order to lend credibility to a story that belongs somewhere deep in the fever swamps he lost control of the story. Much like the Republicans he so enjoys trashing, he isn't the journalist here: he is the story, and he doesn't get to dictate the terms of the discussion...

Welcome to the business end of that sharp "the public's right to know" stick you've been poking other people with for years, Dan...How's it feel?