It'z News to Me

The news of the day...and my own peculiar take on it...

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Teresa Gets It Backwards...

...KerryCare is for idiots...

Americans have voted over and over again against socialized medicine. Even Bush suffered a hit to his popularity when he signed the prescription drug benefit for MediCare. We've seen how it works in Canada and the UK, and we don't like it.

There's a reason that the rich and famous (and everyone else who can) comes to the U.S. for treatment, and we don't particularly want to give that up. Democrats pushing their socialized medicine down people's throats is not going to get them any votes they weren't going to get anyway, so I don't see the upside for them here.

They tried this when Bill Clinton took office. HillaryCare along with the Assault Weapons Ban were the primary movers for the 1994 Republican Revolution that lost Democrats historic numbers of seats in Congress.

Do they really want to go back down this path?