It'z News to Me

The news of the day...and my own peculiar take on it...

Saturday, October 09, 2004

ABC Meets CBS... Bias Central....

Dan Rather, et al meets Mark Halperin for coffee and doughnuts to discuss how to help Kerry win...

This is ridiculous. Flat. Out. Ridiculous.

I've been noticing the increasing snarky tones at "The Note" (no link because they don't deserve one) as I've read it over the past few weeks. But now there's a smoking gun that clearly says they have no plans to hold Kerry accountable.

I don't mind if they hold Bush accountable. But that's a two-way street. You don't get to give "your guy" a pass if you're a media organization. Media organizations are exempted from campaign finance reform under the farcical assumption that they are dispassionate observers of events. What is becoming increasingly clear in the ever increasing desperation of Democrats everywhere is that they no longer care if people know how biased they are: they just want to beat Bush.

Even if I wasn't going to vote for Bush before, I would be now just to teach these sanctimonious SOBs that we're tired of the lies and double standards. As it is, I think I'll be calling the Bush/Cheney campaign and volunteering to help GOTV and when Kerry loses on November 2nd he can thank Dan Rather and Mark Helperin for all the help they provided.