It'z News to Me

The news of the day...and my own peculiar take on it...

Monday, September 20, 2004

Kerry Undermines Alliance...

...with Australia...

How many ways are there to describe what a disgusting thing this is to do? To send your sister to Australia in a partisan attempt to undermine one of our country's strongest alliances in an attempt to get yourself elected president?

I have avoided saying it, but I will say it for the first time:

John Kerry is unpatriotic...

He doesn't care a whit about this country's future. He doesn't care about making this country stronger. He doesn't care about making us safer. He wants to be elected president. He wants to bring down the president. He wants to win this election at all costs, even if it means that cost is our alliance with Australia.

John Kerry is a liar...

He says he wants to get other countries to help shoulder the burden in Iraq. Then why has he dispatched his sister to convince Australians that their involvement in Iraq endangers them? Because he is a liar...He wants us to cut and run...It was his solution in Vietnam, and he still lives there...He hasn't grown up or grown wiser in the intervening 30+ years....

John Kerry is unfit for the office...